Guess who’s returning to #FridaysAtTheFountain? Marshall local and fan-favorite: Norman Light!
Performing at previous FATF’s with Chameleon and Rae of Light, we’re excited to have him close out this year’s event by bringing back Norman Light & Friends. The only thing guaranteed is that there’ll be a night of good music, with fantastic musicians. Playing songs that everyone knows from a wide range of genres, every show brings a different line-up that makes each experience unique and memorable. Don’t forget to join us for our last show at the fountain – August 18th at 7pm EST!

Please give a warm welcome to FATF alum, Norman Light & Friends, and we’ll see you August 18th at 7pm EST!
THE YPC: What kind of music/instruments do you enjoy playing the most?
NL: Favorite instrument – guitar of course 🙂 And music? I love playing songs from all eras and all genres. I like playing a mix so that the youngest kid will find a song they like, all the way up to the grandparents enjoying the music together.
THE YPC: What is your funniest memory about playing a show or being on tour?
NL: Too many to remember, but so many funny times driving back and forth to Florida with my band Rae of Light.
THE YPC: What are you most excited about for FATF?
NL: Praying that we actually play at the actual fountain. We’ve been scheduled twice before: once it got canceled, and the other we relocated to Dark Horse. Still a great show/venue, but not the fountain!
THE YPC: What is your biggest achievement thus far?
NL: Writing our own songs that we’re proud of.
THE YPC: If you could make an instrument out of a piece of food, what would it be?
NL: A pineapple-tar.