The YPC would like to give a warm round of applause 👏 to our #FridaysAtTheFountain2022 artists, partners, crew, & community. ❤️⛲️

FATF wouldn’t be possible without the support of partners like:
⭐️ Choose Marshall & Oaklawn Hospital ⭐️
Calhoun County Visitors Bureau, Marshall Community Foundation, Marshall Rotary Club, Woods Insurance and Financial Services, Austin Rinard Miller Financial Services, Copper Athletic Club, The Cronin Foundation, Dark Horse Brewing Co., Black Lab Five, & Graphics 3.
And shout out to our performers this year: Bernadette Kathryn Music and the Lonely Days Band, Norman Light & Friends, The Sam Luna Band, & Zion Lion!
#BeYoungish, #ChooseMarshall, and we will see you at the next one.